Changes in the Wind


I am not very enthusiastic about wind. While it makes a great subject for poetry, I always face windy days and nights with a sense of dread and foreboding.  Something bad is going to blow in with the wind, trees are going to fall on the house, barns are going to blow over , tanks are going to roll away (oh yes, those have already happened, maybe I’m safe), and at a minimum, my house will fill with dirt.  I don’t really do that much better with life changes,  but I have learned to cope like we all do.  So with some trepidation, and truthfully, an equal amount of excitement, I have to face the fact that significant changes must be made at East Side Books this year to remain a viable business.  Those blustery days do blow in the storms we need, and conveniently store the tumbleweeds at fencelines.  so I’m looking for the positive potential in necessary changes here.  And I am looking for your help and opinions.

So with the premise that I want to continue selling books, primarily the used treasures that turn up daily, and to sell them primarily in Bishop, I am looking for input on the aspects of the store that you  all value most and would not like to see changed.  Asking the question sets up the scenario that I can’t please everyone when I do institute changes, but you are thoughtful (and well read!) people, and I’m sure you will be understanding.   If you have ideas on the changes or improvements you think would help, I would love to hear those as well.  Please send me an email, call the store, or drop a note in the soon to be constructed suggestion box.   I believe I have an amazingly kind and thoughtful group of loyal customers, and will value all suggestions, even if I can’t ultimately act on all of them!  I sincerely thank you all, and look forward to your creativity.

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