Temporary Phone Number Problem

We are currently without a phone number, so please email us or send a message here if you need to make contact.  Or you may call Diane at 760-937-7317.  The problem should be resolved by Wednesday or Thursday.

I am really angry about it right now, seething and steaming actually, so please be patient.  It would appear that our former local internet provider, as in our neighbor, fraudulently and maliciously contacted Suddenlink to have our phone number reassigned to Onvoy, a company I haven’t even heard of.  Because they had our account information, Suddenlink believed it was legitimate and transferred our number to the new company.  Now my options are to get a whole new phone number, or wait for the internal workings of two large companies to get our number reassigned where it belongs.

Why?  I cannot imagine.


2 thoughts on “Temporary Phone Number Problem

  1. Oh Diane this is just horrible! Hopefully this will be resolved quickly and that certain somebody will have to explain himself for why he did it in the first place!

    1. He said they did a large batch of transfers, and my number somehow got included and Suddenlink somehow accepted the request. I haven’t been their customer for nearly two years, and somehow they had my Suddenlink account info.

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