We have a Winner! 2017’s “Best” Romance Cover

2017 Romance Cover Winner!

Well the Old West equals romance once  again!  At least that was the opinion of most Range & River customers in February 2017 AND 2016!  Winning the Widow’s Heart won by a 2 to 1 margin – really – despite the whole laundry aspect that I found just a little disturbing.  A man lovingly cradling the baby though, that tugs the heartstrings!  Many voters did really appreciate the Bodie view, so maybe it had nothing to do with laundry on or off the models.

Last year’s winner had a fully clothed Western theme too.


2016 Romance Cover Winner
2016 Romance Cover Winner






The Runner Up award goes to the notoriously muscular Highlander on To Marry A Scottish Laird.  It has a nice color scheme.

2017 Romance Cover Runner-Up
2017 Romance Cover Runner-Up


Our friend Elan chose the lucky gift certificate winners.  The team of Mackenzie and Camilla, as well as artist Ken Hooper  (who knows a good action cover when he sees one),  won $25 gift certificates for books or music of whatever genre they love most.

You can bet we will include a Western cover next year, to see if this trend continues.  Thanks for playing everyone!








The ABA and Free Speech

I  hold the annual dues bill from the American Booksellers Association with trepidation each year.  It seems like such a large chunk in the slow winter months when I could send that money in so many other directions.  So I  annually reevaluate the decision to participate.  I do love the Indie Next Lists we offer to customers, the Book Page reviews, and bookstore news though, so I eventually send off my check.

The ABA is also a strong and active voice to protect free speech, something we have become a little complacent about.  Stir up some controversy though, and we remember how fragile the right to free speech really is.

With the cancellation of Simon & Schuster publishing contract with “conservative firebrand” Milo Yiannopoulos for his book Dangerous, due out in June, the ABA published a thoughtful and appreciated article in its bookseller newsletter on the topic. Some booksellers were boycotting Simon & Schuster for agreeing to publish the book, which of course is a protected First Amendment right, but one that may cause publishers to limit their taking on controversial topics in the future.  I don’t want to read Yiannopoulos’s book, I probably wouldn’t stock it in the store, I don’t even know why his views should interest me.  I resent the label conservative being linked with hatefulness.  But the controversy could just as easily be over something else – Harriet Beecher Stowe and Nelson Mandela were controversial. Wendell Berry, a writer I adore, is an activist, sometimes angrier than others,  and I would be devastated if his work went unpublished.  Obviously this is just a simple little example of a giant topic, but I’m glad the ABA is taking the principled stand they have.

Below is the summation of ABA’s statement. I can only respond with “Well put and thank you, my check is on its way.”


Simon & Schuster Cancels Yiannopoulos Book | American Booksellers Association

From the beginning of the controversy over Dangerous, ABA has defended the freedom of publishers and booksellers to sell the titles they want,” ABA CEO Oren Teicher commented. “The First Amendment protects the right of Simon & Schuster to cancel Dangerous, just as it protected their right to acquire it. And without question, the First Amendment also protects the right of consumers to boycott publishers in protest about any particular title, and for a bookseller to decide what titles will be carried in his or her store. As abhorrent or as distasteful as some subjects may be, ABA remains concerned about the rising pressure on publishers to cancel or change books because someone finds them offensive.”

Romance Cover Contest – 2017!

So excited to present the Romance Cover Contestants for the year!  We’ve gone with a romantic Bride theme because… well because there are some great ones! It may also be an “Awkward Pose” theme, but that is for you to decide.  To participate in this titillating contest, all you have to do is select your favorite cover and cast your vote (daily if you want)  here in comments, in person in the store, or by email.

We don’t judge, or make any rules about what constitutes a favorite cover.  These doozies get picked for their eye roll quality, beauty, actual romantic quality, silliness…you get the idea. Interestingly, four of the five are from the 2010’s, proving that bodice rippers endure.

We will tally the votes at the end of the month to declare the official People’s Choice winner, and then draw some winners from the voters to receive RRB Gift Certificates.  Don’t you wish national elections were this much fun?

Here are the 2017 Contestants:

#1  To Marry a Scottish Laird by Lynsay Sands  (2014)


Highlanders like pirates are a favorite for covers, I guess it is the kilts?  Or Swords?  This swooning princess has found herself a Laird who is going to catch pneumonia in the chilly Highlands.






#2  The Earl Claims His Wife  by Cathy Maxwell (2010)


Well isn’t this blue dress pretty?  What more needs to be said?







#3  Winning the Widow’s Heart by Sherri Shackelford  (2012)


Is it holding the baby, or watching her do laundry in Bodie that will capture this poor woman’s lonely heart?  Read on to find out! He is clearly a very sweet man, taking time out from playing poker to hold this cherub.

(This is a fully clothed option for all of you that turn shades of pink looking at the others.)




#4  Wyoming Bride  by Joan Johnston (2013)

IMG_7838 Author Joan Johnston has been in the line up before with her spicy Cowboy covers.  I think this is also a contender for “most awkward pose”.  I’m also amazed that he wore his gun belt for the wedding, clearly he had a lot of protecting to do, and hoping he loses it before things go any further….just dangerous.





#5  Mountain Rose  by Norah Hess  (1993)

IMG_7839Not yet a bride in this cover art, but the hero Chase Donlin’s niece…wait, what?  Hmmm,  clearly there is more to this story .  This couple is in the mountains on a trapping expedition that appears to get steamy.  An early voter already declared this the most “expressive” contestant.  I just hope it is not his niece.

Story Book Tree Contest Winners for 2016

The Story Book Tree ready for contestants.
The Story Book Tree ready for contestants.

Thank you all for participating in our Story Time Tree Contest!  Gift Certificate winners were drawn today, and we are happy to announce that Priscilla and Ashley each won $25 gift certificates for their own stack of stories.

This serious helper pulled the winning entries from the hat.
This serious helper pulled the winning entries from the hat.

Adults (presumably) offered some of the more creative story suggestions this year.  Some of our favorites included Origin of the Species, The Golden Compass, The Hobbit, The Slow Snail, Where the Red Fern Grows, The Velveteen Rabbit (finally someone saw this!)  Madeline (another one I’ve been waiting for!) Wild Swans (yay HCA!) , Yeats Collected Works (umm, not sure which ornament), Watership Down, and Voyage of the Beagle.  A younger participant found Sinbad, which is new, Leprechauns at Late Winter, which I haven’t seen, and Polar Bears Past Bedtime.  Nice work Jimmy!

Painted Forest Art Show & Reception in December

We enjoyed celebrating some of our community’s young artists last month at Solstice time!  The Painted Forest Show was organized by Artists/teachers Hannah Burgoyne and Erin Boehme.

If your group wants to use our walls or other space for a show or celebration, contact Diane.  We may work something out!

Street of Lights 2016

Fun times on a Saturday night to kick off the holiday season!  Thank you to all of the friends who stopped in, and a giant thank you to musician Greg Smith for playing all evening!  Here are a few photos in case you missed the fun.


New Instagram Contest for the Holidays!

We have set up a sweet little photo booth chair for your Instagram photos #RRBcheer.  Snap a photo, post and use this hashtag to enter!  Why would you do this?  Because we will have a great give away on December 23 for all of the people who post!  How about a holiday gift for yourself?

Katie is the first to use our Christmas corner!  Plus she helped put it together. #rangeandriver #rrbcheer #nottoearlyforchristmas #thanksdaughterofmine
Katie is the first to use our Christmas corner! Plus she helped put it together. #rangeandriver #rrbcheer #nottoearlyforchristmas #thanksdaughterofmine

Loyalty Tuesday November 29!

As thanks to our loyal customers who continue to bring in great stock for the store AND take books home, we offer the chance to use 100% store credit on used, non-consignment items throughout the store (not including sales tax).  If your store credit has been piling up, this is your chance to Christmas shop or restock your To Be Read pile.  If you have any questions, please give us a call.  760-873-6882
